Print Circle CP1
Colour Print Circle 1 is for those of us who like photography as it used to be, that is, photographs that look like they are from real life, without too much manipulation by software. Digital manipulation is OK provided that the final result still looks like it may have come straight out of the camera. Digital or wet darkroom prints are both acceptable provided they are in colour (no monochrome with colour popping! ) but natural monochrome where the image is mostly one hue is quite satisfactory.
Any production method is good, whether it is digitally or darkroom printed or even commercially produced, but the original image capture must be your own work, even if you add, say, a new sky, that must also be your original image. Maximum size of prints is 7" x 5" and they must be mounted in the club folder in accordance with the club rules. You will receive constructive critiques from other circle members which can only help to improve your photography. A pack will arrive at your address about once a month where you insert your latest masterpiece and check out other members entries. There is a circle notebook in each pack that you receive where all members can air their views about anything they feel other members may be interested in, the main topic, of course, being photography. So come and join us, we are here to encourage each other and help improve our personal photographic expertise. Each entry has the potential to win either a 1st, 2nd or 3rd place sticker which allows that image to go forward to higher competitions. Barry Roberts ARPS CPC1 Circle Secretary |