Internet Circle 2 (Mixed)
IC2 is an open circle, so any images can be submitted – colour, black and white, infra-red, manipulated or straight from the camera. We currently have 9 members of mixed age and a wide range of photographic experience. The images our members submit are varied in subject matter and represent a wide diversity of photographic opportunities that different people have.
Each month, we strive to give positive, fair and constructive comments of each other’s images. From this we can all learn and improve our photography and get ideas for our own work. Our notebook page has raised some interesting debates and is a means of having discussion about images beyond the comments and critiques made on individual images in each round. Several people have commented that they have learnt and gained ideas from the comments and suggestions made in both the folio each month and the notebook. Queries on equipment, books and techniques can be discussed, particularly if looking to buy or have problems with photographic subjects. Although many of us rarely, if ever, meet except perhaps at the annual rally, we do get to know each other and each other’s preferences and interests. |